How to Create Click-Worthy Automated Emails that Save Hours of Work

Imagine yourself surveying an online shop and you’re choosing items that you do not end up purchasing. You might get troubled or feel sleepy on the couch. The next thing you come across is a sympathetic cart recovery email that lands in the email box. It helps you remember the missed opportunity. What you witness is the output of a crafty digital marketer who practices email automation to assist you in coming back and finishing what you began.

Email automation wears multiple hats and serves a multitude of directions. You can get the newsletter, customer support emails, anniversary wishes, birthday wishes, product promotion mails, and many others.

What is Email Automation?

Email automation simply means the concept where emails are sent automatically to the recipients. It is sent according to the clear defined triggers or schedule. Email automation can be divided into two categories, this includes:

1. Trigger emails: It is mainly based on the customer's behavior;

2. Drip-feed emails: It follows up on trigger emails and delivers content in set intervals as defined by you.

For example, you abandoned your shopping cart, and half an hour later, you receive the mail like:

"Hi, we notice that you left something in your cart.

We understand you might have left due to some of the casual reasons. To make it convenient for you, we have saved the shopping cart.

If you want to complete the process, just click the button.

Thank you!"

Despite the prominence and growth of messengers and chat apps, email is an internal part of daily online life. The number of global e-mail users in 2020 was around four billion and is set to increase by 4.6 billion users in 2025. Hence it's beneficial for entrepreneurs to plan email marketing strategies for their businesses.

And while they are very beneficial for eCommerce, they continue to demonstrate their worth for all business types. You might lose various opportunities that come your way by not paying the required attention to email automation.

Top Benefits of Email Automation: Check to Make Better Decisions!

Email and digital marketing have become crucial for businesses these days. Around 59% of marketers state email is the most significant source of ROI. It makes email automation the most influential workhorse of digital marketing solutions.

But how exactly do successful marketers use game-changing tools? How entrepreneurs set up effective email marketing campaigns? Keep reading the benefits of getting answers to all your burning questions right away. Let's explore a few of the benefits to know how email automation can prove beneficial for you as an entrepreneur.

Supports Your Business Goals

More than 73% of millennials prefer communications from businesses through email, and it would be foolish to miss out on the opportunity. A successful brand can use automation to enhance customer engagement and drive business conversions and awareness constantly.

Personalize Customer Experience

Offering a personalized experience has become essential for all businesses. No matter whether you want to allow customers to book your delivery service, listen to music on a streaming solution like iTunes, purchase clothes, or watch movies on Netflix. It becomes essential for you to provide your customers with a personalized experience all the time. There is the same scenario for email marketing as well.

Research shows that more than 91% of customers favor individualized offers and recommendations. An astonishing 72% of email recipients respond to communications that target their specific interests. No distinct type of marketing solution allows personalized experiences to the extent email automation does.

Increase Customer Retention Rate

Getting that first dollar from a customer can be a time-consuming and an expensive process. Driving new customers can cost you five times more compared to selling to an existing customer base. Suddenly, nourishing your email lists becomes a crucial factor in the success of your business.

Steps to Follow for Creating Automations That Convert

You can leverage numerous benefits from email automation for your business, if you create emails with intention. Hence focus on creating an effective email automation campaign for your brand, so you can grab the fruit of success in no time. Check steps to follow for an effective email automation campaign:

Step 1: Deciding on a message;

Step 2: Keeping it personal;

Step 3: Crafting intriguing email subject lines;

Step 4: Picking the perfect time to send your emails;

Step 5: Segmentation.

Wrapping It Up

Email automation can help you build meaningful and long-lasting relationships with your customers. It also provides you with time to focus on building high-quality content as long as you operate by the rules and keep in mind who you are addressing, and why you are setting yourself up for success. We hope this article helps you understand what to look out for when creating your automated emails. It might look overwhelming at first but it will benefit you in the long run.

Gaurav Kanabar, founder of Alphanso Tech. He has specialized in blog writing, article writing, and copyright on different topics like the latest music industry trends, music sharing app development, marketing tips, and many more. Besides that, Gaurav loves spending time with nature, reading novels, and playing snooker.