Freelancing At Home Vs. A Coworking Space
** Guest post by Croissant member Jillian Richardson **
In theory, working at home should be ah-mazing. And, for a while, it can be. You have zero commute, you can blast gangsta rap without shame, and business calls are more bearable because you don’t have to wear pants. But then, after a few days, or maybe a few weeks, you notice that your work ethic starts to slow. You start to wonder… is freelancing at home as great as it seems? (Spoiler: it’s not.)
In this piece, I’m going to try and convince you that a coworking space can be even better than freelancing from your own casa. Of course, I’m not biased or anything. Pure, unfettered journalism here:
Coworking Spaces Are Prettier
I know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but, come on. If you’re like most New Yorkers, you live in a shoebox home with little room for fancy artwork or interior design. Coworking spaces, on the other hand, are where you pay for an inspiring work environment. Seriously, check out one of the spaces, The Farm:
Fun fact: old-timey wheels on the wall increase productivity by twenty percent.
Coworking Spaces Have Humans
Yes, it can be great to work in your own home with absolutely no one else to distract you. But then, after a while, you become your own distraction. With no one to look over your shoulder, it’s easy to scroll through Facebook for twenty minutes, then watch an episode of Kimmy Schmidt, then stare into the ether for an hour. Before you know it, half your day is gone!
When you’re at a coworking space, you know that other people– in theory– can glance at your computer screen and see what you’re doing. Sure, they’re probably immersed in their own work, but who doesn’t like staring at a stranger’s screen every once in awhile? If you’re busted looking at pictures of bulldog puppies, you’re going to be seriously embarrassed. The mere threat of getting judgey looks is enough to keep you on track!
I was creepy enough to snag this picture at The Yard in the Flatiron district. Look at all those humans! Don’t they just make you want to do work?
Coworking Spaces Have Free Stuff
Have you ever walked into your apartment and been surprised by a free cheese platter or a bottle of wine? Unless you’ve fallen prey to a very friendly robber, probably not. But, if you go to a coworking space, you never know what delightful freebies you’ll run into.
Once I was at The Farm at 11 PM. A private event had just wrapped up in the front, and the lovely cleaning staff offered me a bottle of wine and my choice of any of the leftover cheese and crackers. Needless to say, I was delighted. Then, when I was also given two free books, I practically did a happy jig. Of course, I waited until the cleaning staff were gone. But then, oh how I danced.
Proof of the free book
Proof of the empty room in which a happy dance was performed
Coworking Spaces Have Cute Humans
Sure, I mentioned that coworking spaces have humans… but did I mention that a lot of them are cute? If you’re single, you know that a suited up startup wunderkind isn’t likely to wander into your apartment. (Unfortunately.) But, if you’re at a coworking space, they are everywhere. I can attest that The Farm has oogle-worthy freelancers all over the place. Who needs bars when you have coworking?
Coworking Spaces Make You Act Like An Adult... Kind Of
When you work from home, it can be easy to stay in your pajamas all day. And not leave the house. Or brush your teeth. With no reason to leave your apartment– you know, other than for your sanity– it can be difficult to leave. But, when you’re going to a coworking space, you know that you should follow the rules of the adult world. Namely, 1) Don’t wear sweatpants 2) Practice good hygiene 3) Pack a lunch that isn’t a bag of tortilla chips and an embarrassing amount of guacamole.
In other words, when you work around other people, you actually feel like you’re at work. You’re not just hanging out at home, typing out a few sentences every hour or so. And believe me, putting on real clothes actually feels pretty good. I promise.
Have I convinced you to try a coworking space yet? If not, I’ll get you there. I have a whole other list of reasons coming at you soon. I shall convert you, home dweller! I shall!