Pivoting from Corporate Life to Entrepreneur Life
Guest post by Tiffany Dyba, a career coach and entrepreneur in the NYC area. For more than decade she's worked in recruiting for top companies such as Tiffany & Co. and Burberry, before making the major leap to find more fulfillment with her own career coaching company. Find more info here.
It has been about three months since I left corporate life in the dust (kind of) to start my own career coaching and consulting business. Along the way, I have been met with many questions, comments, and even some unsolicited advice. (#Mom)
The one question I have been getting the most is, “What made you decide to do that?”
Do what exactly? Take charge of my own life? Stop the tearful walks on the walk home from the train, caring less and less who saw me?
Jokes aside, throughout this process I didn’t really realize what a big deal this was, until I did. I spent close to six months working with my own career transition and business coach fleshing out a business plan, a website, my offerings, etc. In my mind, I just made this happen, and tried desperately not to overthink because overthinking has been my barrier for far too long. I decided to silence that part of my brain and listen to the part of my brain that had been chilling, watching Netflix, and hiding out.
There is a fairly large population of people that certainly want to pivot their careers but don’t have the first clue where to start. While Imposter Syndrome is a real thing, I actually feel like I know what I am talking about here. Here are a few things you can do to help you get closer to this:
1. Work with a coach
Shameless plug, I know. However, I don’t know if I would have started my own business without the help of my coach. When I found her I was a lost little puppy dog with no clue how to harness all of this creative energy I had. A coach helps you drill down your skills, and holds you accountable to your goals. If you are walking around in circles and don’t know where to start, working with a coach is a great jumping off point.
2. What are you good at?
This is almost a Part 2 to the first point I made above. Many people don’t actually know what they are good at, and how that transfers into doing something on their own. For example, I have been in Recruiting for 12 years, but I didn’t realize how well those skills could serve me running a career coaching business, until I started working with my coach, that is.
3. What do you enjoy doing?
This point is so important. You might be great at something, but you really don’t enjoy doing it. If you don’t like doing something, then why would you opt to start a business built around that thing? Spend some time in your passions and things you really love. What gives you life?
Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash
4. Side Hustle
Many people don’t have the financial luxury to just up and quit their job to pursue their own business— hands in the air for us normal folks! To make things work, you might need to work a side job to bring home the turkey bacon until you feel comfortable enough financially to go out on your own. Believe me, it isn’t ideal but it isn’t forever. Set a goal for yourself on how long you need the side hustle before you can break free!
5. Just do it
This is my last piece of advice, and the most important. Just do it. Do you have an idea and think it would make a good business idea? Just do it. What’s the worst that can happen? It doesn’t work out and you find a job? You are going to be ok, regardless—only this time you won’t have any regrets or FOMO.
The transition wasn’t easy for me, but big life changes are never easy. I am so excited to be challenging myself in ways that I never thought possible. I am excited at the opportunity to execute creative ideas I have, and there is no one there to stop me. Am I scared? Sure. I don’t know what is going to happen and what will stick and what won’t.
I guess for me, not taking a chance on myself is a fate worse than death.