Invest in Time Optimization so There's More Time for Innovation
It’s time to reassess your time at work. | Photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash
Over the course of my career, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of teams who were striving to do something special. From startups to NGOs, all of these companies wanted to make a difference. But the sad reality was that very few of them actually managed to keep growing once they reached their initial goal.
The problem with innovation is that it takes hunger, drive, creativity, and most of all, time. Once a company is up and running, its leaders tend to get lost in the everyday grind of keeping things functioning, improving the bottom line, acquiring the talent required for growth. Unfortunately, this leaves very little time for coming up with new, exciting, or even revolutionary ideas.
But innovation is possible even after having reached a certain level, and it can be the source of inspiration and drive your team might be lacking.
But, it also depends on your organizational skills. If your time-management isn’t up to par, don’t despair. There are a few techniques you can start implementing right away, that will be sure to help you achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed of, and more!
Step 1: Scheduling
If you don’t already keep a strict schedule, it’s time to start. If setting up a calendar is the one single thing you do after reading this article, you’ll already be on your way to getting more productive hours in your day.
The reason why we all need a calendar is not only for planning events, but also because it can provide a space for writing down notes on meetings, scheduling tasks, and setting up reminders.
The type of canvas you opt for is completely irrelevant. When it comes to digital apps, both Google and Microsoft Outlook make for solid choices. Alternatively, you can go with paper versions. The Moleskine Daily Planner is particularly handy (plus feels premium), but you can also go for something cute like the WeRateDogs calendar.
Once you’ve got your canvas, it will be time to start recording all the events you need to keep in mind.
Some people like to take things to extreme and schedule every minute of their day. You can try this – it just might turn out to work really well.
Still, even if you only take note of important meetings and assignments, there are two categories you’ll have to add to your calendar. These include blocking out time for dealing with distracting tasks such as answering email and team meetings, and a designated 60 to 90 minutes every day for distraction-free brainstorming.
By having you set aside an hour or two for pressing matters, this method helps you free up cognitive capacity for actually coming up with innovative ways to improve your products and services.
Step 2: Upgrading your tech
Take a step back, and have a critical look at your work process. How much of your routine could you speed up by investing in the right tools? How much time do you waste on menial tasks that could, probably, be automated? Maybe you’re using software that’s too time-consuming, yet isn’t providing you with the results you actually need?
Fifty years ago, leaders had to hire low-level employees to take care of basic tasks required to have a company function at its top level. Today, you can purchase a variety of software solutions that will take care of those tasks effectively, at the price of a Starbucks latte.
Start by creating a list of all the things that are wasting your time. Calculating mileage for business expenses? There’s an app for that. Managing expenses? Yup, there’s a huge variety of apps and programs to do this automatically. Need a personal assistant but can’t afford one? Why not use Siri, Alexa, or Cortana?
Keep up with the latest productivity hacks, and you’ll find that you can easily free up several hours every week. The next step will be to use those hours wisely!
Step 3: Even masters have to learn
If you haven’t already, it’s time to reconcile with the fact that the only way to innovate is to constantly work on your skills and education. Bill Gates, for example, is an avid reader who enjoys both non-fiction and fiction, and who has been vocal about the necessity of learning throughout life. Steven Spielberg went back to school well after having achieved success in his career.
Look up to these innovators in your own education and consider how your employees can also learn from them. Investing in offline or online courses is a great way to learn new ways of doing the things you’re required to tackle on a daily basis. For example, you could learn about how to be a better manager, or enroll in a writing class so that you can take care of these tasks efficiently.
Not only will your work yield better results, but even more, you’re likely to learn at least a couple of tricks on how to speed up the process. Bit by bit, you’ll find that you have more time to dedicate to the aspects of your job that really matter.
Of course, there are numerous hacks you could start incorporating in your routine that will give you a few extra hours every day to focus on innovation. In addition to the tips we’ve talked about, you can also try other time-management methods, or simply outsource some of your work. Finding what works best for you will take a bit of effort, but once you’ve created a great routine, you’ll be happy that you made the effort.
Guest blogger Sarah Kaminski is a freelance writer and social media marketer. She works with a number of small businesses to build their brands through more engaging marketing and content.