Effective Ways to Regain Your Lost Work Motivation
Maintaining motivation is not easy. Here are a few tips to consistently stay motivated throughout your work day.
After happiness, motivation is the second greatest reason to keep going. With motivation and the persistence of hard work, people have accomplished the seemingly unachievable. From Captain America to Elon Musk and Bill Gates to Wonder Woman, you will find motivation everywhere.
Now let us talk about work motivation. Every time we choose to procrastinate, someone else is leaving us behind. To keep cruising and to accomplish your goals, you need to maintain consistent motivation. That is, however, easier said than done. The momentum of motivation tends to break far too often. It happens even to the best of us because, at the end of the day, we are humans and tend to get exhausted after working hard and chasing our dreams.
Maintaining consistent motivation while working has become even more challenging. With the rising trend of telecommuting and remote working, motivation has become tough to maintain. In the larger picture, no doubt that the rise in the work from home culture is to everyone’s benefit. In fact, as projected by Forbes, 70 percent of employees will be working from home for at least five days a month. Another survey by Gartner CFO reveals that 74 percent of employers are planning to offer permanent remote work to their employees.
Therefore, adaptability to this new work culture can be the make or break point in your career. Even if remote working does not take over completely, the hybrid office will drive the future of work. Holding on to your motivation against all distractions will be the key to success. Let’s unpack how you can do that in an efficient way.
Set the up the environment right
When you work from home, it’s essential to create an office-like environment. Otherwise, there will be a lot of distractions to kill your motivation time and again. But when you work from a proper workstation that has all the equipment arranged beforehand, your focus will be greater. Also, you can keep a small plant on your workstation set up at home. Plants are known to boost productivity, enhance moods, and help in stress management.
Be your own hype person
When you lack motivation in life, stop looking for it elsewhere. You can easily find it inside by reflecting on your success and achievements of the past. Be your own hype person when you feel you are losing out on inspiration. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and spend a few minutes recalling your success stories. As long as you believe in yourself, nothing can defeat you. So, whenever you feel less motivated, take some time off to spend quality time with yourself. Remember all the things you are proud of and passionate about.
Determine the purpose of your tasks before you begin
You have to attach value to your tasks. This value should be assessed in terms of how it adds to your growth and success. Moreover, you have to determine how crucial the outcome is for you and how it can affect you. After you have determined that, you can revisit this purpose in your head when you feel your motivation is exhausted. Revisiting the value and purpose of work can do wonders to reboot your motivation. You have to develop a knack for looking at the positive side. Every time you go back to recalling the significance of your work, your motivation will realign. Therefore, give yourself clarity of purpose and the purpose will give you the prerequisite motivation.
Listen to a podcast
Another way of regaining motivation is to listen to podcasts. The trend of podcasts has seen a massive rise in this era of digitalization. There are a plethora of podcasts available that are themed on spirituality, inspiration, inner peace, and motivation. You can choose among the best motivational podcasts and find a way to rejuvenate your enthusiasm. When you feel relentless working hours are draining your motivation, take a small break and listen to a podcast. In fact, you can listen to a podcast even when you are working. This is one of the greatest features of remote working, isn’t it? You can multitask when working from home. But be cautious, too much multitasking can impede your productivity!
Manage your digital fatigue in a smart way
The continuous exposure to laptop screens is causing digital fatigue. This digital fatigue has severe health repercussions and can cause declining productivity. So, when you decide to take short breaks from work to feel energized again, aim for physical activities. Scrolling through social media during work breaks will further add to the digital tiredness. Also, social media has become a great distraction these days. A five-minute social media break can turn into hours and you end up losing a lot of your precious time. To sustain your motivation, you have to be wary of digital distractions and related fatigue.
Master the art of optimism
To stay motivated throughout the course of your professional commitments, you need to be optimistic. You have to train your mind to look at things from the purview of optimism. The best way to gain optimism is to figure out some quick mantras that bring overwhelming positivity. Optimism is something that you need to incorporate into your personality. Once you have mastered the art of optimism, you will be able to negate negative thoughts and recapture your motivation. Developing a habit of meditation can also be a great way to enhance optimism in your life and perspectives.
Set a time challenge for yourself
When you begin a piece of work, give yourself a time limit. Once you know that the clock is ticking, you will not want to stop working. Every time you feel that you are losing motivation, the race against time will push you to regain it and keep going. Challenges can bring out the best in us, and a challenge is a great motivating factor in itself. When you know that you are up for a hustle against the clock, you will not lose your motivation quickly. Even if you do, the intensity of the challenge will help you regain it in a flash.
Motivation is and will always be one of the greatest pillars of success. Every time you don’t feel motivated, you have to strive to win back your encouragement. Staying motivated will take a little more effort than usual when you have the luxury of working from home. By utilizing the above strategies, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining motivation.