Strategies You Can Try To Convince Your Boss to Let You Work From Home
Working from home can bring employee’s a lot benefits, check them out below.
Many of us dream of working from home. Remote work is usually more convenient, less stressful, and easier for thousands of people. Lots of modern jobs are able to be completed at home, so there is less of a need for physical workspaces. You may be contemplating attempting to convince your boss to let you transition to a remote working position. Here are some useful strategies that can help you score an in-home work position. Using these strategies will help you to successfully win over your boss.
Valid Reason
You need to have a valid reason as to why you want to work remotely. Your boss will be more likely to accept your request if your reason has high validity. If you want to work remotely because you aren’t that interested in your job, are just lazy, or hate sticking to a consistent work schedule, then rethink your intentions. Before you even plan asking your boss if you can work remotely, ensure that you have a strong, justifiable reason. If you can’t think of any information to back yourself up, then it’s best to avoid asking until you know exactly why you want to work from home. Once you have a solid reason, take time to curate a thorough explanation as well. Employers can’t always allow their employees to have certain adaptations, especially if they aren’t essential. It’s in your best interest to know exactly why you want to work from home.
Solid Work Plan
The second strategy that you should use is making a solid work plan. It’s crucial to be able to showcase a work plan that can help you transition to remote work. You can pitch this plan to your boss so that they will feel confident giving you the opportunity to work at home. In order to build a solid plan, here are all the factors you must include. Start off with a regular schedule and time range of when you are able to do your job. As long as you are able to finish all of your tasks on time, and maintain consistency, you should be fine. Next, decide on when and how often you want to meet with your boss and colleagues. Since you are at home, you’ll need to use zoom calls as a way to be informed of new information. Lastly, you’ll need to learn how to build a routine around your work schedule so you don’t become distracted by being at home. Without a work plan, your boss will likely turn down your request.
How to Ask
There is a proper way to ask your boss or manager if they can offer something to you. Randomly asking without preparation can backfire. Before you ask, have your reason and work from home plan ready to share in an organized speech. Kindly ask your boss/manager if you can set up a time to meet up with them regarding a request you have. Doing this will show that your intentions are important, and your boss will appreciate you arranging a meeting. When at the meeting, slowly introduce your boss to your idea. Share your reasons for wanting to work remotely, and kindly ask your boss about their thoughts regarding your wishes. Continue to explain yourself, and show the plan you have developed to pair with your job position if you were to work at home. Remember to thank your boss for meeting with you, and give them time to decide and process your request.
Supporting Information
Let’s say your boss isn’t completely sure if they should allow you to work from home even after the meeting. Your last resort may be to provide your boss with additional information to support your request. One example of additional support information is a pros and cons list. You can create one to show your boss why working at home would be more beneficial for you and the company. If this doesn’t work, you can try getting your boss to give you a test week so they can view your at home job performance. This strategy is a great way to entice your boss because a week-long test trial isn’t a risky decision. Another approach you can use to access further support information is sharing statics. There are lots of studies that have been done that prove at home work can raise productivity levels. By giving your boss/manager factual evidence to support your claims, you’ll find it easier to convince them. The more supporting information you are able to provide to your boss, the better.
Trying These Strategies
These strategies can seriously help you score the remote position you’ve always wanted. Take your time to curate a strong plan, and remember to not be pushy about your request to work at home.
Eileen Harrison is a content creator for blogs, articles, websites, and social media platforms. She is a professional essay writer at Term Paper Writing Service and Draft Beyond.